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IxSecure: 360° Security Protection

White Papers

By 2020, every person on the planet will be creating 150 GB of new data every day.1 Organizations will be leveraging more sensors, generating more traffic, hosting more applications in the cloud, and defending against more security incidents. Large volumes of data combined with large volumes of attacks require more security tools. Each tool needs to be validated and fed the right data to be effective. Accomplishing that requires 360° security.

Without proper testing and hardened security, your network becomes open to any number of mishaps, whether caused by use of too many tools, improper configuration of tools, or cumbersome processes. As more things connect—whether mobile devices, virtualized software as a service (SaaS) applications, or Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, a security strategy to validate and protect them must follow. According to Gartner, more than 5.5 million IoT devices are being connected every day,2 and the 2016 PwC Global State of Information Security Survey highlights that only 36 percent of enterprises have a security strategy for them.3


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